An eRoom link is an item that provides convenient access to information in another location either within or outside of your eRoom. You can create a link in eRoom to anything that has its own URL.
For example, suppose you are planning an advertising campaign and you have narrowed your choices down to two print ads. To help you decide between them, you ask members of your team to review both ads and vote for the one they prefer. When you create the poll for capturing votes, you attach to the poll a link to the ads so voters can review them without leaving the polling place.
Links have the following item properties, which you can edit:
the title of the link -- required
the URL to where the link goes -- required
what the link's icon looks like
See also: Documentum
linking with eRoom Enterprise for information about Documentum Server-linked
files in eRoom
In the map or the item or attachment box, right-click
the item's icon and choose Copy Link from the pop-up menu.
Or, in details view, select the
check box for the item to which you want to link, and click "copy
link" in the command bar.
Go to where you want to insert the link.
Right-click on an empty area of the item or attachment box and pick "Paste" from the pop-up menu.
Or, in the command bar, click "paste".
Using your browser, go to the location you want to link to and copy the URL from the Address or Location box.
In the eRoom, go to the page where you want to create the link
If you are on the front page of your eRoom, click .
Or, in any item or attachment box, right-click on an empty area and
pick "Create Item" from the pop-up menu.
Or, in the command bar, click "create".
On the Create page, click to open the Create Link page.
In the Title box, type a title for the link.
In the Address box, paste or type the URL.
If you want the link to open in the a separate browser window, select the check box labeled "Open in a new window".
Click "OK" to create the link.
In the item box or in the map, right-click
the link's icon and choose Edit from the pop-up menu.
Or, in the item box, click the edit icon () next to the link.
On the Edit Link page, modify any of the link's properties, and then click "OK".